Some mobile apps have developed mini-apps in China, which requires no installation and allows instant usage on their platforms by users. The leading ones are WeChat, Alipay, and Baidu while Huawei, Vivo, Xiaomi and 9 other major applications have also developed their own. While WeChat Mini-Programs leads the game, Alipay mini-apps also shows some potential. […]
bike sharing
Alipay integrates 6 bike-sharing apps, offering install-free experience
Starting on 29 April 2017, users can easily rent a bicycle from one of the six leading bike-sharing companies in China via Alipay without installing additional mobile apps.
China bike sharing market insights
China bike sharing market is estimated to reach US$1.5 billion (+735.8%) and 209 million users in 2017. Ofo, Mobike, and Ubike are the top brands in the market with the highest brand awareness while Baicyle is also in the top 3 by user satisfation after Ofo and Mobike.