Though still in testing phase Tencent Live integrates live streaming with its mini program. Brands can embed HTML5 based product on its mini program as an entry to its live streaming. Followers and fans can click to open Tencent Live to watch live streaming.
Search Results for: wechat official account
Luxury brand marketing trends in China
Data-driven, social media and omnichannel are the focuses of digital marketing growth for luxury brands, while “young”, “geographic concentration” and “social” are the keywords that best describe the trend of luxury brand marketing in China.
Have you utilized live video broadcasting for your China e-commerce sales?
Live video broadcasting has proven to be a fun, engaging way to connect with followers and grow the audience. 78% of online viewers are watching video on Facebook Live as of 2018. In China, live streaming has stepped up the game and become a useful tool to drive e-commerce traffic and sales.
China online shoppers trends 2019
The higher educated Chinese are the least likely to be attracted by incentivized sharing. Nearly 90% of users with middle school or lower education spent less than 40% of the monthly expenditure online. Over 50% of the 40 to 49-year-olds choose to buy home appliances and digital equipment online. A comparison of online shopping behavior […]
How one utilizes Alipay mini-programs to acquire new users
Alipay recently introduced a new feature Sports on its mini-programs platform and opened beta testing to some developers. It has helped promote brand exposure and user acquisitions. Previously, Alipay mini-programs has opened over 600 functions including face recognition to developers. Alipay, the leading online payment platform owned by Ant Financial and affiliated with Alibaba Group, […]
China’s cross-border online shoppers to exceed 200 million by 2020
Consumption expenditure contributed 76.2% to GDP growth in 2018. The market for imported goods totaled US$2,078.10 billion, an increase of 12.9%. The population of consumers who buy foreign products online is estimated to exceed 200 million by 2020 according to Deloitte. In the pilot areas, such as Shanghai, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou, next-day delivery or the same […]
Cross-border e-commerce female shoppers trend 2019
China has grown to be one of the biggest markets for fashion where female consumers are a significant force. There are over 80 thousand SKUs of cosmetics products, which makes it harder for consumers to pick up the most suitable products by themselves. In that regard, content recommendation becomes popular with Weitao (part of mobile […]
Quick Look: Marketing in China 2019
The number of China internet users exceeded 801 million with a penetration rate of 57.7% according to the latest data from CNNIC. Live broadcasting, short videos, and personalized content will continue to be essential parts of digital marketing strategies in 2019.
Why and how Chinese digital media Yitiao expanding to offline retail
Yitiao, a video-focused content producer and e-commerce start-up, opened its first three brick-and-mortar stores in Shanghai on September 22, 2018. Yitiao has been one of the top WeChat Official Accounts by total followers that produces original videos after four years’ operation. It also established its own e-commerce platform aiming at China’s new middle class based […]
Paid content is becoming a mainstream in China
With the widespread membership system of video and audio platforms including WeChat Official Accounts, Chinese users are gradually developing the habit of paying for good content on the internet. Online video market generated 21.79 billion yuan (US$3.4 billion) from the paid users in 2017. It will keep the fast-growth of over 60%.
Information consumption trend in China 2018
News and information mobile apps have improved a lot in user stickiness in China. The monthly total usage duration and average usage duration per user all increased by around 20% in December 2017. Different demographics of users in China show a different appetite and preference in the types of content. Over 80% of Chinese users […]
Weibo’s monthly active users reached 392 million in 2017
Weibo net revenues totaled $377.4 million in Q4 2017, an increase of 77% year-over-year, exceeding the company’s guidance between $355 million and $365 million.
China bike sharing market insights
China bike sharing market is estimated to reach US$1.5 billion (+735.8%) and 209 million users in 2017. Ofo, Mobike, and Ubike are the top brands in the market with the highest brand awareness while Baicyle is also in the top 3 by user satisfation after Ofo and Mobike.
China digital marketing focus of advertisers in 2017
More than 80% advertisers said they would increase their digital marketing budget in 2017 with an average increase of 15%; only 3% would reduce their budget in 2017 according to an AdMaster survey.
The rise of paid digital content in China
Tencent has recently confirmed the ongoing testing of a paid subscription platform for WeChat Official Accounts, which will soon be launched.