
Find out statistics, trends, and insights of China tourism and Chinese travelers. 

China Top 6 Online Travel Mobile Apps

Qunar’s mobile app exceeded 8 million MAUs in August 2014 in China according to EnfoDesk, remaining the most popular mobile online travel app, followed by

57% Chinese Made Travel Bookings Online

In a travel survey conducted by Tencent, 23% respondents said they “often” making hotel and/or air ticket bookings online while 34% “occasionally” do that. Slightly over

Rise of the China Outbound Tourism

China outbound tourists on average spent RMB 20,000 (US$3,252) during travel per person and shopping is an important part of their spend in oversea trips

CIW eBooks

eBook: Win Chinese Market with Content

[tabby title=”Overview”] This eBook shares three trends of digital content consumption in China, China’s digital content ecosystem, and how content help businesses in branding and

eBook: China E-Commerce Factories

[tabby title=”Overview”] E-commerce factory is the collaboration of the manufacturing industry and the internet. Under the circumstances of retail sector being depressed while the traffic

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