Consumer Products

Find out China consumer stats insights including Chinese consumer behavior, china consumer price index, china consumer confidence, etc.

Meet Shanghai’s new consumers 2017

23-28-year-olds with independent incomes in Shanghai are increasing in both number and purchasing power, gradually realizing their potential as China’s first consumption-oriented generation according to

China eyeglasses market overview 2017

The optimal market situation in China China is not only the world’s leading producer of spectacles, but also the world’s largest consumer of spectacles. Consumer groups

China consumer membership insights

From frequent flyer accounts to supermarket preferred shoppers’ cards, consumer memberships are an increasingly important part of China’s consumption-based economy and of consumer spending habits.

CIW eBooks

eBook: Win Chinese Market with Content

[tabby title=”Overview”] This eBook shares three trends of digital content consumption in China, China’s digital content ecosystem, and how content help businesses in branding and

eBook: China E-Commerce Factories

[tabby title=”Overview”] E-commerce factory is the collaboration of the manufacturing industry and the internet. Under the circumstances of retail sector being depressed while the traffic

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