Alibaba publishes a price index for online shopping, called Alibaba Shopping Price Indices or aSPI. This series include two indices:
aSPI, based on cost of living theory
When usually a single commodity price changes, online shoppers have three choices: accept the new price, select an alternative product, do not buy. Selecting an alternative product will affect the supply and demand of substitute goods thus affecting the relationship between the price of substitute goods.
In the Index methodology, Taobao leaf category (category level that can not be further broken down), is regarded as a collection of close substitutability of goods; the weighted average price of the leaf category is considered the price of such category.
aSPI using chain-weighted index, calculated the price change of leaf categories in adjacent months.

aSPI-core is based on fixed basket theory and this indices have been released from 9 June 2014, the theoretical framework of the preparation that most countries use for CPI. Selecting near 100,000 core products from Alibaba online retail platforms on a monthly basis, tracking that particular basket of goods and services price changes to reflect the sensitivity of online shopping market price relative to macroeconomy.
Both indices each also includes ten sub-category indices, which reflect price changes of goods and services in corresponding categories:
- Food
- Tobacco & Alcohol
- Clothing
- Household equipment & maintenance services
- Healthcare & personal products
- Transport & communications
- Entertainment, education, culture goods & services
- Lifestyle
- Office supplies and services
- Hobbies collection & investment
Alibaba publishes aSPI on a monthly basis; if you want to receive details on aSPI, contact CIW team for paid service.