Taobao published 2013 shopping keywords on December 12, 2013. Hazy weather, tuhao, dama, and mobile shopping, etc. were the top Taobao shopping keywords of the year.
Taobao transactions related to hazy weather reached 870 million yuan (USD 142.28 million). Beijing had most hazy weather days in 2013, more than 300,000 persons purchased products such as dust mask, air purifier and indoor running machine. Total transactions related to hazy weather in Beijing mounted to 55,000, with 61.32 million yuan (USD 10.03 million). On the contrary, in Hainan province, only 15,871 purchased products related to hazy weather and 26,000 transactions in 2013, with 4.63 million yuan (USD 757,169).
Environment pollution certainly affected people’s shopping habits, as well as related industries.
Besides, other hot shopping keywords related data were below:
Tuhao: In 2013, the number of buyers who spent over million yuan in a year on Taobao was 5,758. And 1,053 of them were from Guangdong Province.
Dama: Online gold and gold relative funds transactions reached 910 million yuan (USD 148.82 million) in 2013, average transaction amount was 997.8 yuan (USD 163.18).
Mobile shopping: There were 400 million consumers purchased on mobile Taobao.