According to the report released by Chinese Academy of Sciences and Sina Weibo, by the end of June 2013, university Weibo users reached 30 million.
10686 university Weibo users were investigated, their ages ranged from 18 t0 25. The average age was 20.84. As the chart shown above, juniors used Weibo most, with 23.98%. Then as the age grew, the users decreased. Weibo users whose age were 25 only occupied 1.86%.
Among Weibo university users, male users were more than female users.
54.71% university Weibo users were the only child of the family.
Below was the university students Weibo users’ per capita monthly household income.
In 2012, Chinese per capita monthly household income was 2246.58 yuan (USD 364.44). So the university Weibo users maily came from middle and above income family.
We can tell from the chart, the Weibo registering ages mostly were from 18 and 19. When students entered universities, they began using Weibo.
The most important features of Weibo are followings and followers. University Weibo users’ followings were much more than their followers. Weibo provided students a large amount of information.
Weibo original posts occupied 40%, quite a lot of uers post with pictures and location information. University students were very active on Weibo, they loved to share their lives with other people.
The first active posting time was after 6 pm, peaked during 10 pm to 11 pm. The second peak was during 12 am to 1 pm.
The content in one post was relatively short, and average comment number per post was higher than repost times. They loved to comment on posts to express their own opinions.
80% users logged in Weibo via mobile devices.
They mainly used PC to update Weibo, and mobile devices were also a major tool to post.
University Weibo users read posts via mobile devices more than they updated posts.