The most searched 10 keywords on Baidu related to technology in 2020 are mask facial recognition, quantum computing, virtual human, brain-computer interface, driverless taxi, industrial Internet of Things, cloud server, industrial intelligence, artificial neural networks, smart traffic lights.
The top 10 keywords of sad events:

- National mourning
- Anti-epidemic hero
- Kobe died
- Zhao Zhongxiang passed away
- Zhao Zhongxiang was a well-known Chinese news anchor
- Shen Jilan passed away
- Shen Jilan was a Chinese politician and former farmer. In 2008, she was chosen as an Olympic torch carrier as part of the buildup to the 2008 Summer Olympics. It was reported by local media that she donated 10,000 Chinese yuan to the 2008 Sichuan earthquake relief. In 2013 her calls for widespread internet regulation were met with controversy by younger people in China. In 2019 she was awarded the highest order of honor in China, the Medal of the Republic
- Xichang firefighters sacrifice
- A forest fire in Jingjiu Township, Xichang City, Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province, killed 19 local firefighters, 3 local firefighters were seriously injured and some houses burned down.
- The founding major general Chen Shaokun passed away
- Chen Shaokuan was a Chinese Fleet Admiral who served as the senior commander of Chinese naval forces of the National Revolutionary Army during the Second Sino-Japanese War and World War II
- Maradona passed away
- The little girl studying under the chopping board
- Lebanon explosion
The top 10 lifestyle-related keywords:
- Mask
- Live streaming e-commerce
- Work from home
- Online class
- Say no to wild animals (source of food)
- Fitness at home
- Cloud social
- It is a virtual social application mode of Internet of Things, cloud computing and mobile Internet interactive applications
- Takeaway economy
- Haircut at home
- Domestic travel
Top 10 events keywords
- Covid-19
- Wuhan lockdown
- Fully moderately prosperous society
- International students return home
- Mars exploration
- Resumption of work and production
- U.S. election
- China promulgated the Civil Code
- Central bank cuts RRR
- U.S. stocks hit critical circuit breaker levels