About 63% tourists sleep with mobile devices on the bed while traveling according to Expedia. 35% visitors believe they will be more dependent on mobile phones during travel than at home; and, 28% will battery charging carry about devices or spare batteries.
Chinese tourists reply more on mobile devices followed by Thailand tourists according to Expedia. 93% of the Chinese respondents would bring a mobile phone when traveling compared to 91% among Thailand tourists. China’s smartphone penetration rate was predicted to reach 39% in 2015.
With advances in technology, visitors can complete a variety of tasks on a small device. More than half of the respondents say they will do some work on smartphones at least once or twice. Smart devices can help handle a variety of services when traveling, such as booking tickets, updating social media, searching for locations, etc. Some people even use smartphones all the trips.
Apart from mobile travel apps and navigation apps, more technology has been developed to deliver more services for travelers. For example, Uber filed a new patent called Uber Travel, which could have a significant impact on the future of the taxi calling services.