In Q3 2014, total transaction value of China mobile shopping market was RMB230.96 billion ($37.59 billion) with an increase of 250.9% from the same period of prior year. Total transaction value of China online shopping market was RMB691.41 billion ($112.55 billion) with an increase of 49.8% year on year in Q3 2014.
Compared with desktop, mobile device has particular features like portability, entertainment, convenience and so on which can satisfy users’ instant shopping needs.
In Q3 2014, China mobile shopping transaction value accounted for 33.4% of China total online shopping transaction value. And the percentage of mobile shopping in overall online shopping market is continuously increasing quarter on quarter. In Q2, mobile shopping represented 26.8% of total online shopping transactions in the same period in China.
China mobile shoppers mainly depend on smartphones and 10% of them shop on tablet. They tend to favor mobile shopping apps like Taobao, JD and etc. which are extended from desktop. targets users from China’s tier-2 and lower cities and even covers non-smartphone users.
Besides, at the end of June 2014, Sina Weibo launched smartphone apps “Weimai” (or Micro-sell) for sellers to manage product inventories and provide online customer service and it is performing well. Weibo had 167 million monthly active users in Q3 2014, remaining the most popular Weibo app in China, which indicates Weimai still has great potential in online shopping market.
Alibaba remained ranking top in Q3 2014, followed by Jingdong (5.4%) and Vipshop (2.1%). Jumei made advantage of mobile device and its transaction value in Q3 was near RMB1.5 billion ($244.19 million).
Also read: 7 Charts on China Mobile Shopping App Market