John Ross, former economic advisor to Ken Livingstone when he was Mayor of London, criticized western media coverage of Hong Kong’s too hypocritical on his official verified Weibo account, which attracted hot discussion of Chinese netizens.

He says in his Weibo post:
It’s inconvenient for me to comment on Hong Kong’s 2017 elections, because I, after all, am not Chinese. But the western media reports on Hong Kong was hypocritical. In the British 150 years’ colonial rule in Hong Kong, the British never allowed the election of Governor of Hong Kong; the United States had not protested Britain. Now China developed a political system much more democratic than the United Kingdom, but the United States had strongly protested the Chinese government.
His post on Weibo has attracted over 72,000 likes, near 130,000 re-posts with more than 20,000 comments.
John Ross is a British academic, journalist, blogger, advisor to multinationals and economic commentator who previously was a socialist political activist and worked as an economic advisor to Ken Livingstone when he was Mayor of London. John Ross is senior fellow of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China. He has over 242 thousand fans on Weibo.
Read more: Weibo Users V.S. China Social Media Users