China social media sharing has been experiencing strong growth since Jan 2012. Daily average sharing have increased by 60% in H1 2012.
In this report, we will take a closer insight of China social media sharing from 3 perspectives: website sharing analysis, communication platform analysis and user analysis.

PART1 Website Sharing Analysis
- 71% of sharing took place on search engine, SNS, entertainment, games, online videos.
- Sharing amount on websites presents the long-tailed distribution
- Contents of fashion, SNS and music have strong ability of network communication
PART2 Communication Platform Analysis
- SNS, weibo, online communities are main social platforms for sharing. Qzone and Sina Weibo take the leading role.
- SNS has more sharing amount and return traffic while weibo has broader reach

PART3 User Analysis
- Sharing behavior begins at 8 am and reach the summit at 11 am
- Male users are more likely to share. Most of users are among the age group of 14 to 28
- Most sharing users have bachelor degree and above, accounting for 55%
- Geographical distribution: 1/3 users are from Eastern China
Data Source: Inc